Even when this world can't see it. Know impossible is nothing.

I started Thrust Productions in early 2019 and the past five years have been quite a journey with its ups and downs, but clearly more with ups as otherwise things would be quite different today. Building this company has been a dream that has been slowly but steadily coming together. When I started as a sole trader, it was just a trade name that allowed me to send invoices for the work I was doing. I had some clients that needed fairly specific jobs to be done, so there I was, doing the work and sending the invoices as a sole trader. I had possibilities to work on some extremely exciting projects and there was always someone giving a call every now and then to ask me for a job I maybe didn’t imagine myself doing, but what I gladly accepted because honestly, some of those projects were absolutely amazing!

And while I thoroughly enjoyed that kind of freedom, I also noticed more and more that there are services I could provide through a company that could really develop into a female-led production house eventually employing others to work with me. Although Thrust Productions currently continues as a one-woman show, I’m also glad to separate the company identity from my own and bring more focus to it through that. All of this company thing been a scary thought, because there are still few female-led companies in the live music sector, so I’ve had my fears  and what-ifs around it. But any man with my experience and position would have already done it all few years back. 

So after going through these thought processes and changing away from sole trader to a limited company registration, it’s time to say it out loud that I’m making that dream come true. The new and updated website (well, hello, you’re on it!) is now launched and much of the preparation work I’ve been doing in the past months for the services is also here and ready to go in action. And there’s still some things under construction that I can’t wait to speak about!

Ever since the first version of the website was published, I wanted it to have a blog that would be regularly updated. Well, this hasn’t really been a success so far considering there’s been three years of silence since the last post… I will make a change to that and promise there will be helpful content to come back to. There are already some pieces lined up about touring and mentoring and many ideas around the services and the industry to write more about. So do come back for more!

Though I’m excited for all the services Thrust Productions you can read about on the website, I’m especially glad to make it more easier to have access to the mentoring. I’ve been happy to be part of some mentoring programs and guiding my mentees in their progress, but I’ve also seen how often people either don’t get into those programs or they just don’t tick certain boxes, which means they don’t qualify for those programs. Moreover, I want to set time aside from my schedule to be able to provide free mentoring for those, who are students or have little experience in the industry. I’ve always thought that as industry professionals, it’s our duty to give back to the upcoming generations and I’m very excited to do my share in this.

So as always, stay well and until the new adventures!


PS: if you still have an idea on what you’d like to work with us on but it’s not listed on the website, then you’re welcome to reach out. It’s not like we’re not available for your amazing and crazy ideas any longer! Quite the opposite!




One day…