Spring is always such an interesting and exciting time. The days here in the Northern Europe are getting longer, the snow is melting away and the nature is coming back to life after months of hibernation. It's time of fresh starts! Everything is supposed to be better in spring for some reason. Everything just feels better in spring for some reason.
When Thrust Productions was established 2 years ago in March, it was a very busy time. Mostly because it was spring. The time of the year when the schedule gets more busier than before and a quick look at the calendar reveals you're "Fully booked" until autumn. This website was supposed to open a long time ago. Just like the social media pages. But there was always a lot going on. After all, we're in the business of getting s*it done instead of chatting away.
So the website and social media pages remained on the bottom of the to-do list as something to get to once there is time. And all in a sudden there was a lot of spare time in hand for the entire event industry. The to-do list that used to be so long that you were rarely able to see the end all in a sudden was getting emptier and emptier, and there was a moment when there was nothing else in the to-do list than the things that had been hanging at the very bottom of it. But before getting to those tasks it was important to make sure there is a way to push through this pandemic and keep the company alive...
Trying to see good things in the middle of all these crazy times has became a skill on its own. How do you even sit down to plan the future of an event production company that has always worked on live events when all sorts of social gatherings around you are banned? It feels like such a mission impossible as there is just so much unknown around. But it has also given a fantastic opportunity to pivot and learn new things, evaluate old and develop to be better. I've always wanted Thrust Productions to be more than just another production house and the chance to analyse and do ground work for the services to offer was actually a lot more needed than I would have thought at first place. Things on paper often sound so different from how they are in your head.
It's great to be able to welcome you on this website. It feels like a lot of work has been done for it. But it also feels like even more work is ahead now that there is a gateway to introduce all the ideas and opportunities that have been so far cooking in my own head. I hope we will be able to meet rather sooner than later face-to-face and work on some amazing projects!
We're all still facing a lot of questions regarding the safe return of our industry. It's hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel at some days. But it's there. For sure.
So see you when life brings us back together for new adventures!